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What Makes You Different Makes You Beautiful

t: Kim on 07484 541629

51 Howsell Road, Malvern, WR14 1TH

What Makes You Different Makes You Beautiful -

The centre is there to provide support to both children and their families. This support can be whatever the need is for the child or family at the time. A child or the family can be referred by statutory bodies i.e. Paediatrician, Health Visitor, Physiotherapist, Portage Worker, Early Years Practitioners, GP, etc. Families can also self-refer by phoning the Centre themselves to ask for advice.

What do we do?

  • Support people whom are parent carers of children with special & additional needs
  • Provide activities and events and support for families, and an information support network
  • Help Families on that journey of raising a child with special & additional needs
  • Working with disabled children, young people and their families across the UK to ensure they can enjoy an ordinary, fulfilling and rewarding life without barriers.
  • By offering early intervention and supporting family’s children will go on to lead a fulfilling  life.
  • We Run Youth clubs, Siblings support Clubs, Trips, stay & plays and cooking sessions

We are a registered charity WHAT MAKES YOU DIFFERENT MAKES YOU BEAUTIFUL. Charity Number: 1166959