Our Way Self Advocacy

Our Way Self Advocacy works with people with Learning Disabilities and Autism.
We run various projects, sessions, clubs and groups throughout the year. These range from our DY10 Evening which is a Nightclub evening, though to Ladies and Men's Groups where people feel they can discuss subjects and topics which are meaningful to them. We also run trips which have been planned with our Members and go for walks throughout Worcestershire.
We have a housing project which supports people with their housing needs and tenancies, from supporting with correspondence through to helping people move home.
Our Way Self Advocacy also supports and works in partnership with many other organisations such as the Autism Partnership Board, West Midlands Self Advocacy Network and BILD for the Future
We ask for a one off joining fee of £12 and people complete our Membership form so that we have any emergency contact details and support needs recorded.
Everything we do is member lead. All our projects have been requested by members.