Folk at The Fold
The Fold, Bransford, Worcestershire, WR6 5JB
Meet every fourth Saturday with occasional special nights on other dates.
8.30 -11pm
Bring your own drinks and a smile!
Be heard - come and sing, play, tell a story or poem - or just enjoy listening! Beautiful half timbered surroundings with lovely acoustics.
We are a friendly, well supported and welcoming club and have a quiet, comfortable and atmospheric half timbered room that is part of the 'Fold' - a community enterprise with all aspects of sustainable living at it's heart. 'The Fold' is in a beautiful location and is easily accessible to all. There are excellent parking facilities.
Entry to the usual club night costs £2. You are invited to bring your own drinks but tea / coffee is available throughout the evening.
All folk styles are encouraged. Performers are given respect, attention and warm support, they may choose to entertain from 'the floor' or from 'the front'. Sensitive accompaniment from 'house' musicians is welcomed when appropriate.
Our audiences will share a lively and varied evening of song, music, poetry and stories with the opportunity to join in, or just listen - among friends.
We present infrequent, high quality concerts. Folk play and ballad documentary presentations are of particular interest to us and involvement of local performers is sought and encouraged
Details of the venue and a map/directions from