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Anyone for Croquet?

It might not be something you’d ever thought of playing, but there’s plenty of opportunity locally to try this most English of pastimes. Don’t worry if you’re a complete beginner and don’t know one end of the mallet from the other – you’ll be made very welcome.


The new season at Broadwas has been eagerly embraced by club members and visitors alike, with an impressive number of players attending the relaxed Tuesday and Friday afternoon roll-up sessions held on the club’s five hilltop lawns. 

Players from all skill levels and all ages are warmly welcome. The club’s members are always keen to encourage players brand new to the game, whilst club captain John Guy and Jeff Faulkner offer coaching sessions to those who wish to improve, maybe to even a competitive standard. 

You can play at whatever level you are comfortable with, be it competitive in-house ‘block’ competitions or external tournaments. Many members are content with just attending the sociable and incredibly popular twice-weekly roll-up sessions.

Broadwas Croquet Club is keen to welcome new members of all ages fresh to the game and offers introductory Taster Sessions. Anyone interested can email the club captain John Guy at or give him a call on 07941 787742 or (01905) 748192.


New this season is a turn-up and play croquet court for anyone who would like to try it out. Based on one of the bowling greens at Cripplegate Park, it’s been set up by the consortium of bowling clubs, to offer something new to local people. 

‘We had contact with the Croquet Association and set up Green Three as a croquet court’ says Tony Wiseman from the Consortium. ‘It’s taking off and I have to say it’s a lot of fun! It’s best described as a simple game that is deceptively hard, but its very sociable. You can chat away with the other players throughout the game, which generally takes about an hour to complete, although you can take as much time as you need.’ 

Up to four people can play competitively and two groups can use the court at the same time. If you’re not quite sure of the rules, it’s a straightforward game and someone should be on hand to explain. You can also read more about the game on the website of the Croquet Association (

Anybody can turn up to play between 11am and dusk, seven days a week. It costs £5 per person, please wear flat-soled shoes. The entrance to the greens is through a gate on Tybridge Street, where there is also space to park a car. If you’d like more information beforehand, give Tony a call on 07709 468148.