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Age UK Malvern and District

t: 0800 008 6077 / 01684 560666

Age UK Malvern & District, Platform One, Great Malvern Railway Station, WR14 3AU

Age UK Malvern and District - Age UK

Combating Loneliness - We offer services to improve later life for older people living in the Malvern area.

Enabling Independence - We believe that older people can be independent and self-reliant, and we provide practical help in the home.

Providing Advice - We provide free information and advice on many issues affecting older people. Including advice on benefits, care homes, health and local services.

Coffee Morning Drop In and Ad  Hoc Luncheon Club

These take place at three venues throughout the area. Why not come along and enjoy a cuppa and a chat with very friendly and helpful people. All ages are welcome!  Find our more here

Our opening hours are:- Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday from 10.00am to 3.00pm and on Wednesday from 10.00am to 1.00pm.

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