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Adhisthana, the Buddhist community in Coddington Open Day

15 September 2024

Adhisthana, Coddington Court, Coddington, Ledbury, Herefordshire, HR8 1JL

Adhisthana is home for many of the activities of the Triratna Buddhist Movement and is the burial site of its founder Urgyen Sangharakshita. In the 11 years since Triratna acquired the property, the site has been transformed from a neglected former school into a vibrant hub of Buddhist activities surrounded by glorious gardens and wildflower meadows.

During the open day on 15th September, visitors will be able to take part in introductory meditation sessions in the beautiful shrine room; learn a little about Buddhism; find out about the classes and retreats run at Adhisthana and meet the community. There will be tours of the gardens and of the wildlife-rich woodland, meadows and sewage system. There will be refreshments, including home made cakes.

Adhisthana will be open between 2 and 5pm and everyone is very welcome. For more details, including directions, visit

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